Indulge in the Extravagant Celebration of Unity in Diversity by Cultural Club

🎉✨ Indulge in the Extravagant Celebration of Unity in Diversity by Cultural Club of JNCT Professional University, Bhopal! ✨🎉
“Experience the vibrant festivities at JNCT Professional University, where students transform food stalls into a magnificent culinary carnival! 🍲
Witness kites soaring high, indulge in delightful sweets, and embrace the joyous spirit of celebration with every bite!
Organized by: Rishu Upadhyay, Convenor of Cultural club.
Student coordinator: 1.ANSHU yadav(MBA DUAL)
3. Saloni Chauhan (B. Tech CS)
4. Mradul Chaturvedi
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the management, JNCT Professional university family and students of JNCT Professional University for their tireless efforts in the execution of this remarkable event