स्वच्छ भारत समर इनटर्नशिप की तहत जेएनसीटी के छात्रों ने ग्राम अचारपुरा , ब्लॉक -फंदा में स्वछता सर्वेक्षण करा और गांव के लोगो को साफ-सफाई के लिये प्रोत्साहित किया | राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना के छात्रों गांव ने में साफ-सफाई की और पॉलिथीन, मुक्त कर दीवारों पर स्वछता संदेश लिखे |
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस
जेएनसीटी में “विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस ” वृक्षारोपण कर मनाया गया | वृक्षारोपण का शुभारंभ समूह की अध्यक्षा पूनम चौकसे द्वारा किया गया । इस अवसर पर संसथान के सभी लोगो ने पर्यावरण संरक्षण की शपथ भी ली |
Rangoli Competition
Jai Vision 2018(National level Technical Fest) Held at JNCT Campus on 26 – 27 March 2018 with a Pomp and Show. The Techno-cultural fest consist of various events under different category such as Fun Games, Technical, Cultural, Non Technical & Art
Students of JNCT organized the Rangoli Competition in Jai Vision under ART events section. In this competition students participated with avidity and showcased their talent. First & Second Prize was bagged by_______________ respectively. The Coordinator of Events_____________.
Fashion Show
Jai Vision 2018(National level Technical Fest) Held at JNCT Campus on 26 – 27 March 2018 with a Pomp and Show. The Techno-cultural fest consist of various events under different category such as Fun Games, Technical, Cultural, Non Technical & Art
Students of JNCT organized the Fashion Show Competition in Jai Vision under Non-Technical events section. In this competition students participated with avidity and showcased their talent. First & Second Prize was bagged by_______________ respectively. The Coordinator of Events_____________.
Carom Competition
Jai Vision 2018(National level Technical Fest) Held at JNCT Campus on 26 – 27 March 2018 with a Pomp and Show. The Techno-cultural fest consist of various events under different category such as Fun Games, Technical, Cultural, Non Technical & Art
Students of JNCT organized the Carom Competition in Jai Vision under Non-Technical events section. In this competition students participated with avidity and showcased their talent. First & Second Prize was bagged by_______________ respectively. The Coordinator of Events_____________.
Nail Art & Hair Style Competition
Jai Vision 2018(National level Technical Fest) Held at JNCT Campus on 26 – 27 March 2018 with a Pomp and Show. The Techno-cultural fest consist of various events under different category such as Fun Games, Technical, Cultural, Non Technical & Art
Students of JNCT organized the Nail Art & Hair Style Competition in Jai Vision under Non-Technical events section. In this competition students participated with avidity and showcased their talent. First & Second Prize was bagged by_______________ respectively. The Coordinator of Events_____________.
Dumb Charades
Jai Vision 2018(National level Technical Fest) Held at JNCT Campus on 26 – 27 March 2018 with a Pomp and Show. The Techno-cultural fest consist of various events under different category such as Fun Games, Technical, Cultural, Non Technical & Art
Students of JNCT organized the Dumb Charades in Jai Vision under Non-Technical events section. In this competition students participated with avidity and showcased their talent. First & Second Prize was bagged by_______________ respectively. The Coordinator of Events_____________.
Mehendi Making
Jai Vision 2018(National level Technical Fest) Held at JNCT Campus on 26 – 27 March 2018 with a Pomp and Show. The Techno-cultural fest consist of various events under different category such as Fun Games, Technical, Cultural, Non Technical & Art
Students of JNCT organized the Mehendi Making Competition in Jai Vision under Non-Technical events section. In this competition students participated with avidity and showcased their talent. First & Second Prize was bagged by_______________ respectively. The Coordinator of Events_____________.
Treasure Hunt
Jai Vision 2018(National level Technical Fest) Held at JNCT Campus on 26 – 27 March 2018 with a Pomp and Show. The Techno-cultural fest consist of various events under different category such as Fun Games, Technical, Cultural, Non Technical & Art
Students of JNCT organized the Treasure Hunt Competition in Jai Vision under Non-Technical events section. In this competition students participated with avidity and showcased their talent. First & Second Prize was bagged by_______________ respectively. The Coordinator of Events_____________.