JNCT Mechanical Department Organized Seminar on AutoCADg. In Seminar, Expert focused on the points, Such What
AutoCADg is capable and Sector where it can be widely used
Ozone Week
JNCT Students celebrated “Ozone Week” by Portraying Ozone Conservation Aspiration on Drawing Sheet and Paper. JNCTNature Club organized “Poster Making” & “Essay Writing” Competition on Ozone Layer Conservation theme. StudentsParticipated in Event with Great Enthusiasm.
Expert lecture on GATE
Expert lecture on GATE Examination Held at JNCT Campus. The Keynote speaker of Event was Mr Rakesh Talreja (Masters from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore). He Briefed students about the pattern of the Gate Examination and also shared the exam tips with them.
Python Programming.
JNCT CS Department Organised Seminar on Python Programming. In Seminar, Expert focused on the points, Such What Python language is capable and Sector where it can be widely used & What are boons of thi language.
Engineer’sDay @ JNCT
JNCT Students Shared Achievements and life-Story of Sir M. Visvesvaraya with fellow mates. They Also Discussed the Latest Trends and Problems Faced in Engineering Sector & Methods to Overlook Them. Dr V.K. Jain Director JNCT, Dr. Manish Sawale Principal JNCT & Prof. B.L Rai Dean Administration felicitated efforts of Students.
Home Automation Project
JNCT Students Chandresh Patel of EC – Fifth Semester. Demonstrate Working of his project “IR (Infrared) Based Home Automation”. During the Demonstration, he controlled the Fan and tube light of classroom using the remote control. Dr. Manish Sawale, Principal JNCT, Cherished his Efforts and motivated all the students to make such projects and understand the theoretical concepts practically.
सजीव गणेश’
जेएनसीटी नेचर क्लब के छात्रों ने माटी से ‘सजीव गणेश’ बनाकर पर्यावरण संरक्षण का सन्देश दिया | इस कार्यक्रम में समूह कि अध्यक्षा श्रीमती पूनम चौकसे भी मजूद थी, उन्होंने छात्रों का प्रोहत्साहन भी किया |
Voter Awareness Drive
“Voter Awareness Drive” Took Place in JNCT Campus. JNCT students and staff were demonstrated the working of Electronic Voting Machine #EVM(Electronic Voter Machine) and #VVPAT(Voter Variable Paper Audit Trail) By Members of Election Commission of India
Orientation Programme 2018
JNCT Welcomes the New Entrants of Batch2018.
The Orientation Programme was conducted for the batch 2018. The programme was organized to brief students about the infrastructure, code of conduct and examination pattern of the College. Hon’ble Shri Jai Narain Choukesy (Founder & Chairman LNCT Group, Chancellor LNCT University) And Hon’ble Dr Anupam Chouksey (Secretary LNCT Group) were the Chief Guest of the Event.
Independence Day 2018
JNCT Celebrating 72nd glorious year of heritage, culture, knowledge and innovation In Presence of Dr. Anupam Chouksey (Secretary, LNCT Group) & Smt. Shweta Chouksey (Director, LNCT Group)
स्वच्छ भारत समर इनटर्नशिप
स्वच्छ भारत समर इनटर्नशिप की तहत जेएनसीटी के छात्रों ने ग्राम अचारपुरा , ब्लॉक -फंदा में स्वछता सर्वेक्षण करा और गांव के लोगो को साफ-सफाई के लिये प्रोत्साहित किया | राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना के छात्रों गांव ने में साफ-सफाई की और पॉलिथीन, मुक्त कर दीवारों पर स्वछता संदेश लिखे |
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस
जेएनसीटी में “विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस ” वृक्षारोपण कर मनाया गया | वृक्षारोपण का शुभारंभ समूह की अध्यक्षा पूनम चौकसे द्वारा किया गया । इस अवसर पर संसथान के सभी लोगो ने पर्यावरण संरक्षण की शपथ भी ली |