Exploring Frontiers: Industrial Visit to CRISP, Bhopal

 Exploring Frontiers: Industrial Visit to CRISP, Bhopal
The Department of Computer Science/AIML/AIDS recently orchestrated a triumphant Industrial visit to CRISP, Bhopal.
 Participants and Faculty: The event was attended by II-year B. Tech students, constituting a total of 277 enthusiastic participants.
During the visit, Our Students had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into various departments at CRISP. They explored areas related to Godrej lab, VLSI Design & embedded lab, Multimedia lab, electronic lab, AI-ML lab, CISCO networking lab, IOT (Internet of Things) lab, Fashion designing lab Car mechanical Engineering department lab and Art and Craft lab.
 Activities Organized by: CSE/AIML/AIDS Department
 Coordinated By: Dr. Ayonija Pathre (HOD AI-ML, DS)