Celebrates National Energy Conservation Day organized JNCT Nature Club

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Jai Narain College of Technology (JNCT), Bhopal Celebrates National Energy Conservation Day
Jai Narain College of Technology (JNCT), Bhopal’s JNCT Nature Club organized a pledge-taking ceremony to mark National Energy Conservation Day . On this occasion, all students and teachers took an oath to conserve energy and utilize it judiciously . Students shared their thoughts on the subject and discussed the importance of energy conservation .

On this occasion, the Jai Narain College of Technology (JNCT), Bhopal family expressed its commitment to energy conservation and pledged to work tirelessly towards a sustainable future . Club Convener Dr. Rishu Upadhyay, Members Bushra Fatima, and Rashmi Chandrayan played a crucial role in making the program a success .

View More Photos National Energy Conservation Day

World Wildlife Conservation Day 2024  organised JNCT Nature Club

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World Wildlife Conservation Day 2024
JNCT Nature Club organised an awareness campaign on campus to celebrate World Wildlife Conservation Day 2024!
At Jai Narain College of Technology (JNCT), Bhopal, we’re committed to spreading awareness about the importance of protecting our wildlife and their habitats.
Our students showcased their creativity and enthusiasm through various activities, promoting wildlife conservation awareness!
Here are the winners of our awareness campaign:
1st Prize: Bhovika
2nd Prize: Roshika
3rd Prize: Sittu Kumar
Congratulations to our winners and all participants for their active involvement in promoting wildlife conservation awareness!
Let’s join hands to protect our planet’s incredible biodiversity!

 Celebrating World Soil Day 2024 at JNCT 

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 Celebrating World Soil Day 2024 at JNCT
The JNCT Nature Club, along with our enthusiastic students, staff, and faculty, celebrated World Soil Day 2024 with a focus on soil health and conservation.
 The event highlighted the significance of sustainable practices and reaffirmed our commitment to a greener future.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated and made this initiative a success.
 Take a look at some memorable moments from the day!
Special congratulations to our winners:
1st Prize: Vindyavasini Dwivedi
2nd Prize: Mohammad Salman Khan
3rd Prize: Adarsh Gautam

National Pollution Control Day 2024

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National Pollution Control Day 2024
At Jai Narain College of Technology (JNCT), organized by the JNCT Nature Club, we united for a healthier, greener planet!
Faculty, staff, and students joined hands to raise awareness about pollution control and promote environmental sustainability. The day featured inspiring discussions and creative initiatives, reinforcing our dedication to protecting the environment for generations to come.
Let’s continue to be part of the solution by pledging to reduce, reuse, and recycle every day!

World Ozone Week Celebrated at JNCT Bhopal

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 World Ozone Week Celebrated at JNCT, Bhopal
In observance of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, the Nature Club organized a Speech Competition  to raise awareness about the importance of ozone layer protection.
1st  – Anjali Patel
2nd  – Sittu Singh
3rd  – Kavyansh Gupta
Let’s work together to protect our ozone layer and preserve our planet!
Program Conducted by: Dr. Rishu Upadhyay

Successful organization of Mitti se Ganesh workshop at JNCT Bhopal

Mitti se Ganesh workshop
 जेएनसीटी भोपाल में मिट्टी से गणेश कार्यशाला का सफल आयोजन!
जेएनसीटी भोपाल  नेचर क्लब और कलाकुंज के सहयोग से मिट्टी से गणेश कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया
माननीय चेयरपर्सन श्रीमती पूनम चौकसे मैडम ने सभी विद्यार्थियों को माटी गणेश और बीज गणेश की महत्ता समझाते हुए पर्यावरण संरक्षण और जागरूकता का संदेश दिया। सभी विद्यार्थियों ने बड़े उत्साह के साथ माटी गणेश का निर्माण किया।
इस कार्यशाला का सफल आयोजन डॉ. रिशु उपाध्याय के संरक्षण में हुआ,  जिसमें प्रो. मोहित पंड्या, रजिस्ट्रार, जेएनसीटी प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी भी शामिल हुए।

vidyaavan abhiyaan vrhad vrkshaaropan 2024 ek ped maa ke naam

विद्यावन अभियान वृहद वृक्षारोपण 2024
*विद्यावन अभियान वृहद वृक्षारोपण 2024*
हमारी प्रतिष्ठित जेएनसीटी , भोपाल में “एक पेड़ माँ के नाम” अभियान के तहत एक विशेष वृहद वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया। इस अभियान का उद्देश्य पर्यावरण संरक्षण और हरिता को बढ़ावा देना है।
प्रो. मोहित पंड्या, रजिस्ट्रार, और डॉ. रिशु उपाध्याय, प्रोफेसर, सहित जेएनसीटी के विद्यार्थी इस कार्यक्रम में सक्रिय रूप से भाग लिए। उन्होंने वृक्षारोपण में हिस्सा लिया और अपने आस-पास के पर्यावरण को हरा-भरा बनाने का संकल्प किया।
यह पहल न केवल पर्यावरण जागरूकता में मदद करती है, बल्कि विश्वविद्यालय समुदाय में जिम्मेदारी और समुदाय सेवा की भावना को भी प्रोत्साहित करती है।
हमारा संयुक्त प्रयास एक सतत और जीवंत पर्यावरण बनाने की दिशा में है।
*हम सभी मिलकर अपने भविष्य को सुरक्षित और सुंदर बनाने में योगदान दें।*

van mahotsav 2024: ek ped maa ke naam abhiyaan hamaare JNCT

वन महोत्सव 2024 एक पेड़ मां के नाम अभियान
वन महोत्सव 2024: ‘एक पेड़ मां के नाम’ अभियान
हमारे जेएनसीटी, भोपाल के  सदस्यों एवं स्टाफ ने वन महोत्सव 2024 के अवसर पर ‘एक पेड़ मां के नाम’ अभियान के तहत पौधरोपण कर एक प्रेरणादायक पहल की है। इस अभियान का उद्देश्य न केवल पर्यावरण संरक्षण है, बल्कि हमारे हमारे सदस्यों में सामाजिक जिम्मेदारी की भावना को भी जागृत करना है।
इस पहल से हम सभी को पर्यावरण की रक्षा और संरक्षण के महत्व को समझने का अवसर मिला है। आइए, हम सब मिलकर एक स्वच्छ और हरित भविष्य का निर्माण करें।
इस अभियान में भाग लेने वाले सभी सदस्यों और स्टाफ को धन्यवाद
पौधरोपण के दौरान हमारे सदस्यों एवं स्टाफ की कुछ झलकियां
वनमहोत्सव2024, एकपेड़मांकेनाम, पर्यावरणसंरक्षण, सामाजिकजिम्मेदारी, हरितपहल,
पौधरोपण, हरितभारत, हरितपरियावरण, पेड़लगाओ, गोग्रीन

JNCT Nature’s Club, in association with Kalakunj Foundation , organized a Paper Bag Making

Paper Bag Making Activity
JNCT Nature’s Club, in association with Kalakunj Foundation Group Bhopal, organized a Paper Bag Making Activity for EnvironmentWeek! This event aimed to promote eco-friendly practices among students and reduce the use of plastic bags on campus.
1. Educate students about the environmental impact of plastic pollution.
2. Encourage the use of sustainable materials in daily life.
3. Develop creativity and practical skills among students.
All the students participated enthusiastically, contributing significantly to its success.
Facilitators: Dr. Rishu Upadhyay and Dr. Bushra Fatima.
Student coordinator: Kavyansh Gupta

Environmental protection and awareness at jnct

Environmental protection and awareness

पर्यावरण संरक्षण तथा जागरूकता के लिए अपने घर के आंगन में या गमले में एक पौधा लगाने का सहयोग सुनिश्चित कर मानव श्रृंखला बनाने का आभार पर्यावरणसंरक्षण, जागरूकता, श्रृंखला, पौधारोपण, पर्यावरण, संरक्षण, नेचरक्लब, कलाकुंज, जागरूकता


Sundress The Nature’s Club at JNCT, Bhopal, in association with Kala Kunj Foundation

Sundress The Natures Club
 The Nature’s Club at JNCT, Bhopal, in association with Kala Kunj Foundation, organized a sundress competition to promote sustainable fashion and celebrate the beauty of nature-inspired designs.
**Winners of the event:**
1. Aparna Pandey
2. Mahak Vishwakarma
The event was organized under the guidance of Dr. Rishu Upadhyay, convenor of the club.
 **Faculty Coordinator:** Dr. Bushra Fatima
 **Student Coordinators:** Kavyansh Gupta and Hemant Sahu Nature, SustainableFashion, EcoFriendly, NatureInspired, FashionCompetition,  Sundress

 Innovative Flameless Cooking Competition Heats Up at JNCT

Innovative Flameless Cooking
 Innovative Flameless Cooking Competition Heats Up at JNCT Bhopal
 JNCT Bhopal was abuzz with culinary creativity as students showcased their skills in the Innovative Flameless Cooking Competition. Without traditional flames, participants whipped up delectable dishes, impressing judges and spectators alike.
 behind the scenes, Prof. Megha Shrivastava and Prof. Diksha Singh orchestrated the event seamlessly, ensuring every detail was perfected. Their dedication, coupled with the hard work of student coordinators Shivani and Dev Dholpure, made the competition a resounding success.
 after intense deliberation, the winners emerged, their dishes standing out for both taste and innovation. Drumroll, please, as we congratulate:
Winner’s Name – Group: – Khushi/Anushka
Winner’s Name – Solo: – Robin Ruzar
 These talented individuals showcased the endless possibilities of flameless cooking, inspiring us all to think outside the culinary box. Kudos to all participants for their creativity, and a special thanks to our coordinators for their outstanding efforts in making this event shine. Here’s to more innovative adventures in the kitchen at JNCT Bhopal!