Delegates from Kyrgyzstan

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JNCT campus & admired it’s infrastructure and facilities. The delegates from Kyrgyzstan were warmly welcomed by JNCT Family.

The Occasion was graced by the presences of Hon’ble Shri. Jai Narain Chouksey (Chancellor, LNCT University), Smt. Poonam Chouksey (Vice Chair Person, LNCT Group), Dr. Anupam Chouksey, (Secretary, LNCT Group), Shri. Dharmendra Gupta (Managing Director, LNCT Group), Smt. Shweta Chouksey (Director, LNCT Group)

International Womens Day


International Womens Day Celebrated in #JNCT, in a Inspiring way, Students presented eye-opening Skit on Women Empowerment. Event was graced by presence of best exemplary of #WomenPotential, Smt. Poonam Chouksey (Chairperson, JNCT) & Smt. Pooja Shree Chouksey (Secreatary, JNCT). They expressed their views on this year Women day theme #BalanceforBetter and explained the essence of women empowerment. Students Presented handmade card to them as mark of respect.

Python Programming

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ExpertLecture was conducted with motive, to help students understand benefit of Pythonlanguage and create a platform, where students can interact with professionals from the field and learn from their experiences. JNCT conducts such activities on regular basis to promote #PracticalLearning of Students

Technical Poster Competition


JNCT organized Technical Poster Competition under the Banner of Srijan. Students From various colleges participated in the event & share their Innovative Ideas on Poster. The chief guest of the event Smt. Poonam Chouskey (Chairperson, JNCT) & Smt. Pooja Shree Chouskey (Secretary, JNCT) appreciated the efforts of Students and Coordinators

Cyber Security Seminar


Cyber Security Seminar conducted in JNCT campus with the objective to create awareness & educate students about recent trends in the field of #CyberSecurity. The seminars also provide a platform for Ethical Hacking enthusiast and young engineers aspiring to build a career in the lucrative field of Information Security. Here are Snaps of the Same

Republic Day Celebration

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JNCT is Celebrating 70th glorious year of heritage, culture, knowledge and innovation In Presence of Smt.Pooja Shree Chouksey (Secretary, JNCT)

National Girl Child Day

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On National Girl Child Day, Heli Kools & Neli Kools (Co-founders, Buzzmeter and Zingfy.) shared their Inspirational Story with #LNCTWorldSchool & #JNCT Students.Self-made Young Women Entrepreneurs motivated Students with their Experiences.

How to maintain your goals at college

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College should challenge you in a number of new and rewarding ways, from broadening your experience with unfamiliar classes to expanding your horizons intellectually. Yet with all these new challenges, it’s also important to develop the skills you need to be able to cope with stress, a hectic schedule and impending deadlines. Learning how to set realistic, productive goals for yourself throughout each term can help you stay on top of things and make the most of your education. Below mentioned are some points that would help you in accomplishing your goals.

-Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
One of the most important things about setting goals while you’re in school is that each one needs to be distinct, achievable, and rewarding in order to keep you moving forward. Before you set any major goals for yourself, try to ensure they meet the following criteria.
Results focused
Time bound

-Set a Goal for Grades in Each Class
While you always want to strive to do your best in every class, there are a number of factors that may impact how you’re able to do from course to course. First, take into account how essential the course is to your degree program and the other courses you’re taking during the same term. Then set a realistic goal for the grade you think you can earn if you work hard, and invest a reasonable amount of time working toward this goal. Some courses are just harder, or more relevant to your intended career path, than others, and setting a specific grade goal can help you prioritize effectively.

-Plan Homework/Study Times for Every Course
At the beginning of the term, try to plan out specific time blocks for each class throughout the week, and hold yourself accountable for spending these time periods completing homework and studying. If something comes up and you’re unable to devote the usual time to a course one week, make sure you can reschedule the entire block of time for that class to another day (which can help prevent you from getting behind or missing an assignment).

If you have trouble making good use of study time you set aside for a specific class, consider rescheduling your study block for this course at another time when you’re more productive. You may also set specific goals for each study block week-by-week, such as not stopping or moving onto your next task until a particular section of a book is read, or the assignment for the week is finished.

-Visit With Each Instructor at Least Once Per Term
This one can be helpful even if you’re taking online or remote courses. Visiting an instructor during office hours or scheduling some time to talk over the phone or through email can be a good way to get to know someone who may be a great resource down the road. Instructors who know you well can speak to your strengths in recommendation letters, and it’s always good to have someone to go to for help and support during especially difficult periods like during finals or when you’re approaching graduation. Try to get to know at least one instructor well during each term, and make sure to take some time to speak personally with each one at some point.

-Take an Extra Challenging Course
Look for courses that interest you outside your degree program or current area of focus, and try to challenge yourself to move out of your comfort zone. While there may not be time to do this every session, you can calculate how many elective credits you need to take and then set aside a certain number of these for challenging, unfamiliar courses. Pushing yourself to try something new can be a great way to keep yourself intellectually engaged, especially during sessions where your coursework is otherwise focused on general education credits or basic introductory classes in your degree program.

Ultimate guide to select your college


We know that choosing a college major can be overwhelming.

But have no fear! Your choice of major will not lock you into a specific career for the rest of your life. That said, you WILL spend a lot of time whatever subject you choose. Don’t ask yourself “What major should I choose?” The right question is “What major is right for me?”
The very first step in choosing a major that is right for you is to discern for yourself the areas of study that are important to you. These can be divided into several general categories, which we’ll talk about one-by-one:
-Pick a major based on abilities
Abilities are what you are able to do, generally speaking. Understanding what areas you have skills in and which areas could use work is a great way to start the elimination process when choosing a university major.
However, don’t discount the fields where you lack ability just yet; you’ll be able to build those up more during your studies – it is a place to learn, after all.

-Pick a major based on values
Choosing a major based on your core beliefs will normally lead to work that is more rewarding and encouraging.
However, don’t look too hard at your values when choosing a major, either. University is a time of experimentation and self-discovery, and most people solidify their values during their college years.

-Pick a major based on interests

Your interests are a fine way of determining which major to choose in college. I mean, if you like doing something, why not get paid for it, right?

Just remember that, as with your values we previously mentioned, your interests may change over time. The years of university make current interests more volatile than the years before and after it.

-Pick a major based on passions

At first glance, your passions seem just like interest areas, only stronger. But this is quite an understatement. Passions are areas of deep interest, sure, but they also incorporate your values and abilities into something that becomes a burning, lifelong desire.

Following your passions, whatever they may be, is one of the best ways to choose a major, and it generally has the least second-guessing later on. However, as with your interests, passions may be defined later on, even after university is over.

After helping you choose a proper major for your college JNCT college also provide with the best of the faculty in every course that is being opted by you. So just follow the above points to choose a major for yourself and leave the rest onto JNCT college for the perfect shaping of your future.

National Youth Day

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JNCT Organized “Essay Writing & Speech competition” on occasion of National Youth Day to pay homage Swami Vivekananda. Here are Snaps of Same.

Environment Conservation

JNCT Nature Club organized “Environment Conservation Workshop” Shri Jagdish Chandra(Retd.IFS, Member WWF), Kumkum Dubey(Head Volunteer WWF) & Bhavesh Budhani (Volunteer WWF) Were the Keynote Speaker of the Event.

National Energy Conservation Day

JNCT Students and Staff pledge Conserve Energy for future use & create awareness among people to make a better attitude towards its EnergyConservation & Promote Usage of Renewable Source of Energy for Sustainable development.