Technical Club

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Technical Club

The Technical Club is a hub for innovation, creativity, and skill development. It organizes workshops, hackathons, coding competitions, and project exhibitions, encouraging students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world challenges. The club conducts seminars and training sessions on emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain, and cybersecurity.

Collaborative projects, industry visits, and mentorship programs provide hands-on experience and exposure to current trends. The club also encourages students to participate in national and international technical competitions. By fostering problem-solving skills and technological expertise, the Technical Club prepares students to excel in their careers and contribute to innovation-driven industries.

Coordinator: Prof. Harshita Jain
Contact Number : 9131644427

team 12

Harrison Hudson

WordPress Dev.

team 13

Elizabeth Sofia

WordPress Dev.

team 14

Charlie Cooper

Front-End Dev

team 15

Lucy Evelyn

Ui/UX Designer